(OMA) The different types of Board Meetings and Public Notice

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(OMA) The different types of Board Meetings and Public Notice

Post by lufkin »

The agenda of a Board Meeting is very important, and is necessary to ensure the public is aware, ahead of time, things that will be discussed. There are three types of Board meetings. Regular Board Meetings, Special Board Meetings and Emergency Board Meetings.

Per 25 O.S. § 311 (OSCN 2023), Oklahoma Open Meeting Act https://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/ ... teID=73436

Regular Board Meetings
The District is required every December to notify the Canadian County Clerk of the next years Regular Meeting Dates. For Regular Meetings, the Agenda needs to be posted/made available to the Public at least 24hrs prior to the meeting. This 24hrs does not include weekends and holidays. That's why Mustang posts their agendas on Friday afternoons, for the Monday meeting.

Special Board Meetings
Sometimes a Special Board Meeting is required to take care of an immediate need. These meetings have their own timeline requirement. The Canadian County Clerk has to be notified at least 48hrs in advance of any Special Board Meeting. The agenda must be available at least 24 hrs prior to the meeting. Only matters listed on the Agenda may be discussed.

Emergency Board Meetings
On rare occasions, an Emergency Board Meeting may need to be held. In this case, as much advanced notice as possible must be given. The timelines listed above would not apply.
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