(OMA) What is the Open Meeting Act?

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(OMA) What is the Open Meeting Act?

Post by lufkin »

I will have several posts about School Board meetings so bear with me. I will start with how they are governed. All School Board meetings must comply with the Open Meeting Act. This act is codified in Oklahoma legislation 25 O.S. § 301-314 https://oklahoma.gov/libraries/law-legi ... s-act.html

The purpose of this act, in layman terms, is to allow the public (us) to see that public business is being conducted fairly and honestly. The Act is serious business, and can result in Board members being criminally charged. e.g. https://www.southwestledger.news/news/b ... violations

Over the next few posts, I will delved into some of the specifics like when the agenda has to be posted by for Regular meetings, Special meetings, what the agenda needs to say, what is allowed to be talked about in executive session etc. It's interesting stuff!
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