Purpose of these forums

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Purpose of these forums

Post by admin »

Welcome to the forums!

It is ran by a small group of parents who are looking for a good resource of information related to Mustang Public Schools. While there are groups on FB that allow parents to converse, information is hard to find and quickly gets lost in the seemingly endless stream of posts. The FB groups have their place, and are an excellent way to get a quick answer to a question. This site is not looking to replace those groups.

If you have something negative to say about the District, by all means say it. But be factual. The rules here are simple and can be accessed by clicking on the Rules button up the top of the page however the main one is...don't call out a kids name or an employees name (unless it is about something positive). Administrators are fair game for criticism given the position they are in. While there are those that believe negative information should not be posted, we believe it is necessary for dirty laundry to be aired out. Its the only way to get change.

One thing I have noticed is an aversion to "anonymous" posts. Anyone here is welcome to create an account with their real name. However, anonymous accounts (IMO) tend to be more honest to a certain extent. If you do not agree with a post, then by all means post a rebuttal or send a message to the Admin.

Nobody that works for the District, or is on the School Board, will ever be a moderator/admin of this page.
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