Mustang found non-compliant

Forum to post and discuss State Complaints filed against Mustang Public Schools
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Mustang found non-compliant

Post by lufkin »

On December 1st 2023, Mustang Public Schools was found to be non-compliant with several IDEA regulations involving one of its students. These centered around the denial of FAPE, and the Districts failure to update an IEP after a Manifestation Determination Review. The parent involved in this, publicly posted the complaint to Facebook in an effort to effect change in the District regarding the treatment of Special Needs kids.
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Re: Mustang found non-compliant

Post by lufkin »

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Re: Mustang found non-compliant

Post by lufkin »

So first of all, I have to hand it to this parent for being brave enough to bring this issue to light. It takes guts. She has since heard that school employees are scrambling to figure out what accommodations their own students have. This is good. What a lot of people don't realize, is that IEPs are legal documents. They are not a suggestion document. School officials are breaking the law if they do not follow what the IEP says, and also if they violate IDEA procedures. There are some principals (apparently the Valley Principal is one of them) who feels that the law doesn't apply to them. Well it does.

The buck however, doesn't stop at the Principals desk. Mustang losing this State Complaint, is Karen Wilson and Charles Bradley's fault. This could have been resolved long before it needed to reach the State Level, but through a mixture of apparent indifference, incompetence, and sheer ignorance, it rose to the level it did, and the District got slapped on the hand because of it. At a time when Ryan Walters is running the show, its a bad time for a District to be over in the corner waving yelling "Look at me Look at me". To be quite honest, I think both of them need to be fired in order for Mustang Public Schools to dig itself out of the reputational hole it has found itself in.
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Re: Mustang found non-compliant

Post by lufkin »

State mandated training completed the week 2/12/24. Training reportedly left a lot to be desired.
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