Current Accreditation Status

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Current Accreditation Status

Post by lufkin »

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Re: Current Accreditation Status

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After the State Board of Education Meeting on 7-27-2023, they adjusted the number of Accreditation Levels. It is explained in the email sent from Charles Bradley on 7-28-2023
​​​​​​​Mustang Families,

It is hard to believe, but we are a mere 13 calendar days from the first day of school on Friday, August 11, 2023! I am excited to welcome everyone to the 2023-24 school year! We will be sending out information in the coming days about the beginning of school, but today's message is to provide an update on the Accreditation status of our District with the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

As you may remember, last year, the Accreditation of Mustang Public Schools was downgraded to Accredited with Warning by the Oklahoma State Board of Education; this decision was made without due process being afforded to our District. Despite this, MPS has spent the last year working hard to remedy any issues that would negatively impact our accreditation status. We have worked hand in hand with the Accreditation Division of the OSDE to ensure no further deficiency exists in the areas cited last year. We are pleased to inform you that with the vote of the Oklahoma State Board of Education yesterday, this is now the case.

As you may also remember, in April 2022, district internal financial controls uncovered irregularities pointing to potential embezzlement. A subsequent independent audit confirmed irregularities existed. From the moment questions surrounding the possible misallocation of funds arose, MPS personnel worked and cooperated with law enforcement. This matter is still in the hands of investigators and attorneys. As such, we cannot provide any additional updates at this time, but we will do so as soon as possible.

However, the above-referenced audit was submitted to the State in February 2023 in line with financial reporting requirements. Due to the findings of this audit, the Accreditation Division of the OSDE has informed us that Mustang Public Schools is one of thirty-eight Oklahoma School Districts that will receive an accreditation deficiency for "Noncompliance with OCAS (Oklahoma Cost Accounting System)." This places MPS at the accreditation status of Accredited with One Deficiency for 2023-24, along with 143 other Oklahoma School Districts. This status was confirmed by a vote of the Oklahoma State Board of Education at their regular monthly meeting yesterday, but it should not impact the daily operations of Mustang Public Schools, our staff, students, families, or the community; it merely gives us a focal point for improvement.

As a point of reference, this is the scale of possible Accreditation status levels for Oklahoma:

Accreditation with No Deficiencies

Accreditation with One Deficiency (MPS for 23-24)

Accreditation with Two Deficiencies

Accreditation with Multiple Deficiencies

Accreditation Probation

Accreditation with Warning (Designation of MPS last year)

No Accreditation

While we are not pleased to have a deficiency, we recognize that this is due to the facts surrounding the financial incident referenced above. To avoid repeating this scenario, we have taken steps, including hiring a new Chief Financial Officer, tightening internal financial controls, implementing recommendations provided by auditors, and affirming best practices in accounting. We have been assured that we can resolve this accreditation deficiency through adherence to these steps.

While I prefer not to begin the year with less than positive news, a silver lining exists in this information. MPS has remedied the previous accreditation issues and improved our Accreditation status by four levels. We promise to do everything in our power to continue to improve and strive for Accreditation with no Deficiencies for next year and beyond. As we begin the adventure of a new year, please know that we are here to partner with you and ensure a successful school year for everyone. Please look for our Back To School GlideShow to be sent via email and social media in the coming weeks and for additional information from each school site on upcoming events. Enjoy these remaining 13 days, and stay safe in this latest Oklahoma heatwave!


Charles Bradley, Superintendent

Mustang Public Schools
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