504's and IEPs...what are they??

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504's and IEPs...what are they??

Post by lufkin »

Special Needs kids generally fall into two categories. Those that qualify for a 504, and those that qualify for an IEP. Now I am not going to get into the nitty gritty about each one, at least not in this post. But lets just say 504's are worthless, and the schools love them because they cost them very little and parents have very few rights. An IEP on the other hand is a very powerful document, and schools hate them. The parent of a child on an IEP has options when it comes to ensuring their child's needs are being taken care of. If you have a child on a 504, I would start looking at getting them switched to an IEP. It takes a comprehensive evaluation, done by the school, to get it done, and they will likely push back saying its not needed, but its worth it in the end. More to come on the differences, and how to officially start the IEP process
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Re: 504's and IEPs...what are they??

Post by koalab »

To add to u're point, in my experience, you only need a 504 OR an IEP. I have seen some people say u can have a 504 and an IEP. An IEP takes care of everything.
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